Facts About What Colors Make Blue

About colors, some are the basic and some are created by mixing the basic. Blue is one of 3 primary colors and it is natural. In other words, no colors mixed can produce it. Those who lack of knowledge about colors often ask what colors make blue while it is mixed to generate others.

Therefore, in this article, we will introduce to you the way to make blue lighter, darker and figure out several popular blue shades.


Via: www.webexhibits.org

​Blue Shade Names

​With blue colors, there is a wide variety of shades (approximately 70 shades) for you to create. Blue shades are distinguished among each other by their lightness and darkness. In this part, a category of blue shades and their names will be listed here. Furthermore, we are going to tell you about the most popular blue shades of paint.

​Category Of Blue Shades

​As said above, a number of shades of blue are created. However, you will not need all of them so just figure out the most prevalent ones as bellows.

  • Denim for dye jeans
  • Oxford blue for paint Oxford books
  • Cyan for fashion
  • Deep sky blue for cars

These are the most popular blue shades around you. A lot of other shades can be used such as air force blue, baby blue, Iris, teal, steel blue, violet – blue and viridian.

Blue Shades Of Paint

Blue shades for painting are often faded so that they will not make the houses acrimonious. Blue paints are the illustration of peace so they should create a sense of comfort. Here is a list of blue shades for paint.

  • Mariana blue
  • Adaman sea
  • Turkish blue
  • Blue grass
  • Duck egg
  • Pale lapis
  • Smoke blue
  • Blue ashes
  • Zenith blue
  • Welkin blue

Make Use Of Blue In Life

Well, in our life, blue is one of colors used the most in fashion, making up and designing. Here are details in each field for how to make use of blue and what colors make blue stand out.

​In Fashion

​Understand how to make blue outstanding in fashion, a lot of fashion designers design blue dress and suits in order to make stars and artists attractive on the catwalk or shows on television.

​Blue suits and dresses will make you become up to the minute. If you combine it with a blue bags and a pair of blue high heels, you will dress to kill and become a slave to fashion.

​In Making Up

​Blue eyes are of the most favor of almost all the ladies all around the world on the grounds that the blue make their eyes deeper in soulful. Even Asian ladies who do not have blue eyes often make use of blue eye lens in order to look deeper in their eyes.

​In terms of making up, lots of girls utilize blue eyeliners to draw S – line along their eyes to make them longer. If you want to make blue eyes stand out, you can absolutely add a layer of iridescent yellow.

​In Designing

​In designing apartment or designing space, a lot of blue shades (as listed above) are used to make paint for painting walls. A lot of families love blue walls for the reason that they will feel comfortable after hardworking hours and the blue also stimulates their imagination of dreams.

​Bottom Line

​In reality, you can receive a lot of answers for how to make blue color but there’s no way to make green – a primary color. However, it will not be a hard nut to crack if you want to create both lighter and darker blue shades. In the next post, there will have further detailed information as well as theory about colors for you to learn and apply into your practical life.